"ChristLife's patient guidance along the journey of self-awareness and healing has given me hope that God can restore the brokenness in my life."
Thank you for considering an investment in ChristLife!
We learned early on that money is often a barrier between those who have need and those who can provide help. Often the leaders who need the most help are the ones who can least afford it... and those who can, are often discouraged that after years of giving and helping, they would now need to pay someone to help them... think about that for a moment. So when we founded ChristLife we made the simple commitment to never allow finances determine who we will or won't help.
We are supported almost entirely by people just like you.
ChristLife is a non-profit
ChristLife, in every way exists to be lead by God... it's His ministry.
It's managed by a praying, self-sacrificing board of directors. And because ChristLife is a legal 501c3, your financial gifts are considered by the IRS as charitable gifts. The tax write off you get by giving to organizations like ours might be the only good news you have as you're preparing your taxes next year:).
We've found where God is working... and joined Him
In November 2015, God spoke very clearly to me. He said: "if you will invest yourself in the leadership of my church you will find yourself in the middle of what I'm doing in this generation." Since that time, as we've dedicated ourselves to this ministry of renewing, restoring, and equipping, we've experienced nothing short of a miraculous empowering and God-given influence as we help Christian leaders become all that God has designed them to be.
We're a low-overhead
high impact ministry​​
The leadership structure of ChristLife is comprised of restored and equipped pastoral leaders who are already employed and serving local congregations. As a result, they are able to offer coaching, restoration, and awakening to other Christian leaders free of charge. This gives ChristLife the opportunity for huge potential impact with very little financial overhead. What does this mean for you? You get a large return on your investment.
Three simple ways to invest...
Pray- One of the most impactful ways to invest in ChristLife is to pray. Often on a weekly basis, we send out a strategic prayer text to our prayer impact team. As the team rallies and prays from all over the world, we regularly see imediate breakthrough in the lives of leaders we're restoring. If you want to be included, send us your name, email and phone number by clicking
Lead- Our team is always on the lookout for talented people. Are you searching for a creative way to use your gifts? You might be an answer to our prayers! Contact us by clicking
Invest financially- If you would like to support ChristLife financially. Checks can be sent to ChristLife Ministries P.O. Box 150341 Grand Rapids, MI. 49515-0341. Going paperless? You can invest electronically by clicking
Sometimes, as Allie and I are sharing a conversation and a cup of coffee, we'll smile as we think about the crazy, God-filled journey we've been on for the past 24 years of marriage—and now, ChristLife! We are so in awe of what we see God doing; it's why we're some of ChristLife's biggest financial contributors. We'd love for you to join us. Thank you!
Greg and Allie Dempster
Founders of ChristLife Ministries